Full guide: Documents needed to extend your Temporary Residence Permit

The temporary residence permit (TRC) in Romania is an essential document for foreign citizens who wish to stay in the country for an extended period after entering on a long-stay visa.
The renewal process starts with the submission of a complete application with specific documents established by the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI). It is important that this application is registered at least 30 days before the expiry of the current permit or visa.
In order to be granted a temporary residence permit, applicants must fulfill several key conditions and submit several documents required for the temporary residence permit extension: possess a valid passport or other valid travel document, provide evidence of the legal right to live in a suitable place in Romania and have social health insurance.
Moreover, the application for the temporary residence permit must be made for the same purpose for which the long-stay visa was originally granted. These rules are intended to ensure that the temporary stay is well founded and in compliance with local legislation.
What is the Romanian residence permit?
A residence permit is an essential document for foreign nationals wishing to reside long-term in this country. It is issued for various reasons, such as employment in a company, university studies, family reunion or other specific circumstances.
To obtain this permit, applicants must submit a number of necessary documents to the local offices of the General Inspectorate for Immigration located in the county where they are temporarily residing.
Main differences between temporary residence permit and permanent residence permit in Romania
For those wishing to settle in Romania, obtaining a temporary residence permit is an essential step after obtaining a D visa. This visa provides access to the country for a long-term purpose, but the real legal stability comes with the temporary residence permit.
This document is directly linked to your reason for being in Romania, whether it’s for study, work or family reunification. The temporary residence permit is valid as long as your original purpose remains valid. Any major change in your situation, such as a break in your studies, separation from your partner or loss of job, may result in the permit being canceled and you being forced to leave the country.
The permanent residence permit, on the other hand, is reserved for those who have managed to live legally in Romania for at least five years and have integrated into Romanian society, including by learning Romanian. It offers much greater stability, as it is not conditional on a specific purpose, and allows for long-term living in Romania.
Period of validity
Residence permits in Romania differ significantly in their period of validity. The temporary residence permit, for example, has a validity that varies depending on the purpose of the stay. In general, it is valid for 2 years, a change introduced in 2024, but there may be notable exceptions.
Travelers can obtain a permit valid for six months, while EU ‘blue card’ holders, who are highly-skilled workers, have their validity extended to two years. The temporary permit can also be valid for up to five years for family reunification.
The permanent residence permit, on the other hand, has a much longer validity. It is for five years for most categories of applicants and ten years for family members of Romanian citizens.
Reason for stay in Romania
The major difference from other types of permits is that it does not require a specific purpose for staying in the country. Whether you initially came with a work permit or for other reasons, obtaining this permit frees people wishing to come to Romania from any conditions linked to your initial activity.
One of the major advantages of holding a permanent residence permit in Romania is the opportunity to obtain Romanian citizenship. While the temporary residence permit does not offer this possibility, permanent residence status opens the path to citizenship.
In practical terms, the permanent residence permit is an essential step in the process of acquiring citizenship, as it is required for taking the oath and obtaining the Romanian citizenship certificate.
How to obtain a temporary residence permit for study purposes?
In order to obtain a temporary residence permit for study purposes, you need to follow a formalized process which involves submitting an application and paying the corresponding fees. Furthermore, you will need to present a number of essential documents.
These include your passport (both the original and a copy), a letter confirming your acceptance to study, and a certificate proving that you are enrolled at an educational institution. You must also provide evidence of your means of support and proof that you are legally residing in a certain space. Last but not least, a medical certificate is required to complete your application.
Documents required for an extension of temporary residence permit
When it comes to extending the right to stay in Romania, foreigners must prepare a well-documented file. The extension process involves the submission of several documents required for temporary residence permit extension, each of which has its role in demonstrating the applicant’s eligibility.
The first and most fundamental document required is the passport or any other document allowing the crossing of the state border, which must be submitted both in original and in copy. It confirms the identity of the applicant and the legitimacy of his/her stay until that moment.
An important aspect in the extension process is the medical certificate. It must certify that the applicant is not suffering from contagious diseases which could affect public health. The certificate can be obtained from any health institution, either public or private, and serves as a guarantee that the person does not pose a health risk.
It is also necessary to provide proof of legal residence, such as a contract of sale, lease or loan. These documents validate that the applicant has adequate living space for the duration of the stay.
Last but not least, the applicant must prove that he/she has social health insurance and sufficient means of subsistence, such as a pay slip, pension statement or bank statement. These documents ensure that the person will not become a burden on the Romanian social security system.
Moreover, a specific fee must be paid for the extension of the right of residence and the issuance of the residence permit. Depending on the purpose of the stay (work permit, study, commercial, religious or scientific activities), additional documents may be required.