Labor shortages. We know the causes, what are the solutions?

In the online debate organized by the Coalition for Freedom of Trade and Communication, Cosmin Serban, Managing Director & Co-Founder TAKT Recruitment, presented the recruitment of foreign workforce as one of the solutions to the shortage of workers facing companies in Romania.
Along with Cosmin Serban, the speakers of the edition were Mrs. Cristina Chiriac, President of CONAF (National Confederation for Female Entrepreneurship) and Mr. Feliciu Paraschiv, Vice President of ANCMMR (National Association of Small and Medium-Sized Traders in Romania).
Solutions for retaining foreign employees
The speakers of the edition addressed a problem faced by the vast majority of entrepreneurs, stating that in Romania there are not enough regulations to protect the entrepreneur who invests in bringing workers to the country.
Cosmin Serban underlined that one solution to this problem is for the Romanian employer to offer foreigners an attractive salary package, good accommodation conditions and a proper induction program to streamline the process of settling in the non-EU worker and reduce the cultural and social frictions that may arise.
The possibility for the worker to work paid overtime according to the legislation in force is an advantage that the Romanian entrepreneur can offer and contributes to employee retention. Even from the stage of interviews in the country of origin that the TAKT Recruitment team conducts, candidates are interested in this possibility to work overtime and increase their income.
Cosmin Serban explained how the Romanian authorities have introduced a form of “protection” in the General Inspectorate for Immigration’s procedure for granting work permits, whereby a foreigner cannot change employers in Romania in the first year of employment without their written agreement. Thus, if a non-EU worker wants to go to work for his neighbor, the latter cannot hire him without this written agreement.
You can watch the debate online here.