FAQs on employing non-EU foreign workers. A practical guide to common fears faced by employers.

Angajarea lucrătorilor străini non-EU: cele mai frecvente întrebări și temerile angajatorilor

Employing non-EU foreign workers is a necessity for companies facing the shortage in the Romanian labour market. And while some of the employers are already familiar with handling Asian staff, those who are still studying the possibility of hiring such workers have certain questions related to the process.

The purpose of this article is to answer the most frequently asked questions that Romanian entrepreneurs have in regard to the employment of non-EU foreign workers, and to offer them solutions to overcome the possible barriers they might encounter in the process. Find below five of the most FAQs on this matter!

How serious and hardworking are the employees coming from Asian countries?

The fact that they are taking their jobs serious is the main reason why Asian workers are appreciated in many countries worldwide. Plus, they are well-known for being hard working and for respecting the terms of the employment contract. Asian workers are not trouble makers, prefer to take a leave once a year or, in some cases, even once every two years. Often, they choose to work overtime, and this can only mean increased productivity.

For Asians, respecting their workplace and the employer is part of their culture. And the fact that in Romania they have better working conditions and higher salaries is an aspect that strengthens the loyalty of non-EU employees towards the company they are working for.

Ultimately, the stability and high level of productivity of Indian and Asian workers is contributing to the development of the business, so companies that choose to hire such employees can only benefit from this decision.

How can cultural differences be managed?

Employing staff from India or other Asian countries is a challenge for Romanian entrepreneurs who perceive cultural differences as a barrier. But, given the ability of Asian workers to quickly integrate into the community and the workplace, this fear is not justified.

Asian employees can easily adapt to any environment precisely thanks to their culture, but also thanks to the social interactions and professional experience that many of them have previously gained in workplaces in different countries around the world.

The ethnic tolerance of Asians, as well as their openness to multiculturalism, are facts guaranteeing that workers from such countries will adapt in Romania. Instead, employers’ reluctance should be related to Romanian workers, as some of them are skeptical when it comes to foreign colleagues or different cultures.

Will the linguistic barrier be a problem?

According to the Romanian law, in order for a foreign worker to be able to receive a work permit in Romania, it is necessary to speak the Romanian language or an international language. Of course, we are not talking about proficiency, but basic skills and knowledge, enough to be able to have a regular conversation.

Most of the Asian workers speak English, and if the employer is faced with problems in this regard, an interpreter can be used. Moreover, the work-related communication can be mediated by a foreign employee who speaks both English and the language spoken by the other workers.

What extra responsibilities do employers have when hiring non-EU staff?

When employing non-EU staff, the employers have the responsibility to pay the fees for all the documents needed in the process. Other than that, there are no extra responsibilities, except those applied when employing Romanian staff. Therefore, the employer has the responsibility to provide the foreign workers with the minimum wage and to respect their rights, as stated in the Romanian labour law.

In addition to legal obligations, employers should consider other aspects when it comes to foreign employees, such as paying the transportation from the country of origin to Romania, offering accommodation and providing transportation means to and from the workplace. These are basic benefits, but the employer can offer as many as he is able to. At the end of the day, Asian workers are not pretentious, they only want to be treated respectfully and to be provided with decent work and living conditions.

How can employers check if the recruitment agency is reliable?

One of the many advantages of the Internet is that it provides immediate access to mostly any type of information. Thus, a simple tool such as search engines can be used by employers to obtain relevant information on a certain recruitment agency.

As per the Romanian law, the main activity of such companies is described as “Temporary employment agency activities”, registered under 7820 NACE code (the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community). This class includes supplying workers to clients’ businesses for limited periods of time to temporarily replace or supplement the working force of the client, where the individuals provided are employees of the temporary help service unit.

In addition, membership in various industry organizations can be a guarantee that the agency providing recruitment services is reliable and complies with a Code of Good Practices. An example of such an organization is the Association of Human Resources Service Providers, that includes the most important companies in Romania offering employment solutions.

Given the information above, Romanian employers have no reason to be reluctant when it comes to recruiting Asian staff for the companies they represent. This practice is extremely beneficial for all parties involved, from the employers and foreign workers, to the recruitment agency and, of course, the Romanian Government.


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